
About the Author

Elizabeth has been in the financial services industry since 1981. She has educated consumers, mortgage professionals, and realtors across the country. Her articles and commentary have been featured in industry publications, Bankrate, Nerdwallet, Next Advisors, and many others. She is the mother of two grown daughters and grandmother to 5 grandchildren. She has a passion for helping women succeed, loves music, fine wine, and hiking (not necessarily in that order!). And if you need help with a mortgage, you can find her at Texas Mortgage Plan.

As seen in...

Elizabeth Rose

I get you. I am you. As a working, single mom of two little girls, I remember what it felt like to be overwhelmed with responsibilities. Never enough hours in the day, barely making ends meet, trying to be all things and do all things while carrying the world on my shoulders. All the while wanting to be the best mom to my girls.

Even if you have never been a single mom, or a mom that worked outside the home, let's face it... moms carry a heavy load. Even after the kids grow up and move away!

And if you haven't been a mom... you are still carrying a heavy load of responsibility.

In this fast-paced world we live in, the last thing we have time for is ourselves. Yet taking care of ourselves is one of the most important things we can do - for ourselves and our loved ones. I've often told my now-adult daughters that if they don't take care of themself, then they can't take care of others.

I have been in the financial services industry for over 40 years. One thing I have discovered is women tend to lack confidence in making financial decisions. It's not that we aren't smart enough - for we are! We just tend to believe we don't have the tools necessary to make wise decisions.

I have ridden the roller coaster of life. I've done well financially, and I've been broke. I've been drowning in debt, and I've lived debt-free. I've had to do the work, digging myself out of the ditch, and I know how dirty and tough it can be.

After countless years of conversations with women friends and clients, and even acknowledging my own personal challenges, I decided it was time for change! It's time we OWN our financial well-being.

My belief is we are all capable of taking charge of our financial house and securing our financial well-being. We don't have to stay stuck. And I believe it doesn't have to be as hard as we might imagine.

My goal is to be your guide - to help equip you with a roadmap and tools to take control of your finances so you can experience financial security and live life feeling free.

So what do you say? Let's do this together, okay?