
September 27


Finding Your Financial Leaks: The Secret to Saving Without Pain

Ever feel like money is just slipping through your fingers? Trust me, I get it. It’s like those sneaky little expenses have a mind of their own! But here’s the good news: we can find those financial leaks and fix them without feeling like we’re missing out.  That’s the best part.

Have you read our earlier post How to Know Where Your Money Goes?  Check it out!

Look for the Little Things

Grab a magnifying glass (okay, not literally! – well maybe, if your eyesight is anything like mine) and go through your expenses. Are you still paying for that gym membership you never use? Or those five different streaming services?  Or all those Apple phone apps?  Find those small, sneaky expenses – those are your financial leaks – and decide if they really bring you joy. If not, it’s time to cut them loose!

Simple Steps to Plug Financial Leaks

Start with just one area, like dining out or unused subscriptions. Focus on small changes—like bringing lunch from home a couple of times a week. Trust me, as you plug these leaks, these seemingly little steps add up!  And you may just get a dopamine rush of excitement.

Reward Yourself

Once you’ve found a financial leak and plugged it, celebrate! Use that extra cash for something that truly lights you up. Saving money should feel good!

Your Mission: Find one financial leak this week and plug it up.  When you do, post it in our Facebook group.  Not a member yet?  Please come join us right here.  I’m cheering for you!


find financial leaks, how to budget better, how to save money, money leaks, stop wasting money, tips to plug financial leaks

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